What type of coach are you?
How long have you been coaching?
Which best describes your current situation?
I am a high achieving coach and mom who has run some successful launches, but I'm burning out on the inconsistency and pressure of launching. So, now I am looking for a simple and leveragable process to build my business so I can scale my income, impact, and freedom.
I have been coaching 1:1 and I am fully booked out with clients. I have hit a ceiling with time and income. The thought of adding more 1:1 clients makes me feel exhausted and I am tired of repeating myself everyday. I know there is a better way to serve my clients and consistently hit 5+ figure months. I am ready to leverage my time, increase my income while freeing up time, while still driving amazing client results. I want to enjoy the life I have built while still serving my passion.
I have been a coach for a while, and I want to expand my product suite by offering 1:1 and group coaching. I am uncertain how to do this and still get ahhh-mazzzing client transformations. I am ready to save time, by investing in a coach and not going at it alone.
I am an aspiring coach looking to get my first offer into the world and ditch my 9-5
What kind of clients do you coach? What problems do you solve? How does it work?
Current Monthly Income (this includes everything from your 9-5 and your business)?
What is your desired monthly revenue?* This field is required (ex: $100k/mo)
What are you currently charging?
How would it feel to make your goals a reality?
What most resonates with your beliefs on creating an evergreen group coaching program?
What do you believe to be your biggest gap as it relates to sales, marketing or program delivery?
What has you potentially looking into changing your line of work? And ultimately what is the goal (Please be as detailed as possible)?
What is your instagram handle?
Have you invested in a coaching program before?
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The Freedom OS is a coaching program that is designed to help you grow and scale a profitable online coaching business, and therefore requires a significant investment in yourself. It has now helped hundreds of people (like you) scale their businesses, and we KNOW it works. It's also set up so that if you utilize all aspects of the program, you will be set up to make your investment back. That being said, how would you feel about a mid- 4 figure investment with payment plans available?
I'm In! Let's do This!
I'm nervous but excited! Let's do this!
I'm in but need a payment plan!
I'm really not ready for that type of investment
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Full Name